This Jurassic Park Leaflet was designed to represent the park as if it was a real world attraction, with adverts from sponsors of the film, this adds an addition sense of real world value against what we know to be fiction.
The leaflet is clearly of a 1990's design featuring nice hand drawn illustrations of the Jurassic Park gates set against the images of the island itself. The overall look is quite clean but retains the jungle approach to the leaflet and theme of Jurassic Park.
I believe that they might have used too much body copy throughout the piece given that the point size of the type is quite small however I see that they have tried to include different languages and include all information possible.
They style of the leaflet is very similar to that of generic tourist destination leaflets in that it includes plenty of images and shots of the features of Jurassic Park however surprisingly there is no images of the dinosaurs themselves, this is perhaps eluded to the quick development of the park.
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