Deliveroo has updated it's identity to become more sharper and minimal, they have however retained the Kangaroo imagery in keeping with the 'roo' part of the brand name, which I think is a nice touch and one that could of easily been swiped away, this gives the brand something to attach and promote itself with rather than being typical and sticking with food or conventional delivery imagery. Before and after comparison from Under Consideration Although I like the new style, I don't think it reflects the brand quite so well, with some tweaking and simplifying the original logo could have been updated and I feel that would have been a far better approach to take than rebranding completely to a style I feel is quite cold. Illustration style show through posters The style they have used I think is quite nice in it's actual design and the simplicity of it stands out against the competition, however I feel for a company who's basis is food this ...